What’s the difference between Counselling and Coaching?
The main difference is one of approach. Counselling tends to deal with a crisis situation and deep-rooted problems from past life. Coaching deals with dreams, passion and vision. The emphasis is on helping you to set goals for the future.
How long will I need to see you for?
At our first meeting we will discuss your requirements. How long do you think it will take for real change to happen in your life? Results will depend upon your own level of commitment.
There is nothing I can do about my problems
If you always do what you have always done you will always get what you always got. It is true that we do not have control over everything. On the other hand, the most important factors for change are a willingness to look at situations from a different angle and an ability to try new things.
What will Coaching do for me?
A Coach encourages you to understand your own situation: values; beliefs; desires and ambitions. A Coach invites you to set goals and holds you accountable for achieving these goals.
If I decide to engage a Coach what will be the benefit or value to me?
It depends on your level of commitment. If you are serious about making changes in your life you can achieve great results.
I haven’t got time for Coaching
You haven't NOT got time for coaching, Is that the real problem or are you just not ready? Have a look at our flourish coaching session to gain more of an insight into coaching.